Things to do when bored, Part 1

1) Take a trip to Toryland.

Manotick is the heart of Conservative country in this area - notably the fiefdom of Tory Toad Irma Mode (or Pierre Poilievre). Retirement hub (population average age 107) - they crave stability and wealth, none of these foreign types trying to climb the ladder. 

It's a pretty town - but is generally either closed, or throbbing with walking frames. Today, it was closed.

But Mrs. Ottawacker and Ottawacker Jr. bought a baked goodie, and we wandered across to the mill (also closed for winter) so I could watch them eat their cakes in the weak sunshine at minus 21 C.

It was, however, very enjoyable. I didn't see the Tory Toad Irma Mode and so managed to keep my blood pressure in check.

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