Ahhhhhnnnnd relax

Goodness me.... The sun is well and truly giving its all today. I sped from work to Stromness this morning to get out on Red. I'm glad I decided to wear a Tshirt... I was even too warm at times. 

I tested Red a little today and took him on a route he hasn't done on his own before. It was also extremely busy. The boy did great and was so relaxed... This sunshine is seriously amazing stuff. 

George has had a day off his poultice and still looks OK.. So hopefully that's all over with now. Jeeps is moulting like he's under a strict deadline to loose all his fur by tomorrow morning. Jasper is still a little ray of slightly annoying sunshine... Love him. He must be cooked in his black deep pile coat with built in wooly vest layer. 

I so needed a day like this.

Gorgeous is unfortunately working in a bathroom with no windows... 

Some Clydesdale hooves to trim and then home for roast lamb. 

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