Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Who's the fairest of them all?

This isn't my best picture today from a technical standpoint, but it is my favorite. For the last few days, I've had Purple finches in the yard and at the feeders, which is reason enough for a blip since they aren't a bird I usually see here. Then, while I was watching a bunch of them at the feeder, along came His Royal Redness ... too good to pass up for a blip. What's not to like about all that red?

Many people mistake Purple finches (Carpodacus purpureus) for the more common House Finch (and vice-versa.) And, unless you see the two together, it would be an easy mistake to make for they are both medium sized finches and the males are both very reddish on the head and breast. But, when you take the time to really look, you realize that the purple males are more of a raspberry color and lack the brownish cap of the male house finches. It gets trickier still with the brown females of each species, except that the female purple has a a prominent white eyebrow and a streakier chest.

It was cold and wet today - a much better day to be inside than out. I tried some water drop shots but can tell you that I haven't mastered that yet. I did get a good shot of a Chipping Sparrow when a small flock of about a dozen showed up. This one was about 8 feet from me - cute little guy. Also got a nice shot of a nearly-molted American Goldfinch, giving me a stare-down.

The Audubon group is doing a nature walk tomorrow so I will be up and out early, and all bundled up since it will dip down to 40F tonight. Brrr.

I'm tracking the hummingbird migration maps and expect to see my first hummer within the next few weeks. My first feeder is up and waiting (if I can just keep the damned raccoons from drinking the nectar at night!)

It's Friday, people - yay!!!


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