A Tangled Web...

Before taking Hollie for a walk, I accompanied W to her doctor for a follow up appointment after her meltdown last Tuesday. Her state of mind seemed to me to be better. Still  emotional, still anxious but seemingly in a better place? Not sure. 

Anyway, she has two weeks medication and a counselling session booked, and tomorrow is her day at the pictures, which she loves. All seems fine, doesn't it. 


Upon dropping her back home she asked me to look at something in her back garden. 

Of course says I. No problem. 

Well, I am really not sure what to say. Apparently, a badger has got into her garden and disturbed some soil. As they do. Not a lot, but clear signs of some scraping. 

So what does she do. 

She has broken up a load of glass, used glue to stick some on top of the fence and half buried some all along her borders. Big, sharp, jagged pieces of glass. See picture. 

I was absolutely horrified. Her fence is four foot high. Her neighbour is five foot high, and would be cut to ribbons if she went any where near the fence. 

I am afraid I shouted at her. Not good. Not good at all. 

I did advise her it is illegal to place broken glass along a shared boundary and she could get into trouble. 

I helped her clear it all away, all of it. And got her to promise not to do anything like this again. 

She stated quite calmly that she did not want badgers in her garden, and didn't care one jot if they injured themselves. She even considered breaking it into tiny pieces and burying it where they dig, deliberately to cause them harm.....

See the mess I get myself into, trying to help people. 

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