More Weird Weather

Did our prayer walking into Mourão, even though the air continues to be full of Saharan dust. This is looking down on the town from the castle ramparts. Extra inside Morango Bar with our coffees, too cold and dusty to sit outside. Although this phenomenon has happened before, this is already the second time this year, and much worse than anything we've seen... Main symptom for me seems to be a tension headache and a gritty throat, plus needing to use my inhaler more.

I've tagged this Wide Wednesday, as it is wide, but with this light, no shadows at all... maybe a slight one under the horse. The air is so flat and still, sound seems muffled even.

Lent verses are similar to yesterday's, Jesus obviously thought it was important, Matthew 20v17-28 - the disciples were angry with two of their number who'd tried to nab important places in the coming Kingdom. Jesus got them all together and said:
You've observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It's not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.
And yet, how often it has been that way among Jesus' followers, may God have mercy...

- Mike and Paul making progress with the tree holes
- me getting some more boring stuff done (that I've been putting off)
- that this dust is supposed to clear tomorrow (for one thing, it means our panels have had no sun all day)

The shocking news yesterday was the 23yr old son of a friend being found dead in the snow, cause unknown. Grief upon grief.

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