Dog tired

Bertie has had a very busy day. Up early for a long walk with N then the morning spent in the garden while N did a bit of tree pruning. (I was at the Orchard Makers Group.) There is so much in the garden for a young dog to be looking at and listening to that he couldn’t possibly spare any time for a quick nap. However, the rain clouds gathered once again in the middle of the afternoon so Bertie agreed that it was time to come indoors and a short while later he was fast asleep in his bed and didn’t stir until it was tea time.
A very strange thing happened this evening. I went through to the bedroom around 9.00pm and found that the hall light wasn’t working. I thought that the bulb must have blown so switched on the bedroom light……but it didn’t come on either. Upon further investigation we found that none of the lights or sockets were working in this part of the house, nor in the adjoining garage, yet they were working in the newer part of the house. We investigated the fuse box but everything seemed to be in order. It’s a bit of a mystery and I just hope that I can get an electrician to come out to solve the puzzle in the morning. 

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