Project Yearbook

By arielle365

15/365: Brian

This is my friend Brian. He wears silly shirts and has crazy cool hair. He's a total nerd and a competitor in UCM's App Challenge. It is this very challenge that brought me to Brian tonight! The organizers of this project hosts Entrepeneur Speakers Series. Tonight's talk was given by Denise Watkins, owner of Washington Stealth, the indoor lacrosse team. (Did you know they named the sport lacrosse because their sticks look like bishop sticks, which they called crosier or la crosse? at least according to Denis it is. Or is it just because crosse translates to "stick"? These are the questions that keep me up at night, ha)!
One piece of advice for success she gave the crowd really stuck with me... "you have to stop apologizing". So, Brian (and everyone else), I take my apology back. I'm not sorry for asking to take "a photo" and proceeding to take 20 instead of you instead!

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