
By Brynboru

Return of an Old Friend

I've had this camera since the early eighties and it started to get a bit cranky after about 10 years of no maintenance. Finally in Tallinn, sometime in the late nineties, the film winder jammed and it lay awaiting repair until last month.
Although digital technology has swept the board, this camera must be one of the best ever produced, simple to operate, light to handle and IQ as good as it gets. No interminable menu settings and worry about white balances, dust motes on the sensor, etc.
Finally I got round to sending it off to the Pentax specialists and they have done a complete seal and mechanism refurbishment and tested the performance. It arrived with this morning's post.
Now all I need is some b&w film, a battery for the light meter and a recall of long-forgotten techniques.
Isn't nostalgia great!

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