Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Old door

The local mountain, Canigou, contains lots of old iron mine workings. It is not surprising then, that ironwork can be seen in quantity in local churches and other buildings. The mountain is so full of iron or that, before the days of modern instrumentation, there were several plane crashes in bad weather which resulted from the aircraft’s compass becoming unreliable. It is always interesting coming across old mine workings when walking in the woods. There is one peculiarity about the local iron, it does not rust. This is because it contains significant quantities of manganese.
I only went out briefly this morning during a pause in the rain. I had a quick chat with Patrique, the fishmonger, who is keenly anticipating tonight‘s rugby match in which France could win the Grand Slam. He rightly pointed out that England is less interested in winning the match than ensuring that France lose! I shall be watching the match with friends and we will enjoy a shared meal with everyone bringing along a dish.

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