A useful beak

We haven't had Greenfinches in the garden for a while, or at least we haven't seen them. Then suddenly they are back . . . for the seeds we put out. They are such fine coloured birds, it's good to see them. It was not the best day to take photographs as, although it was sunny, it has been quite windy and feathers were blowing about. But the sharp beak of a seed-eating finch is very obvious. 

(I now realise I made a mistake - this is a Siskin. I have made this mistake before. I had been watching Greenfinches and did not expect a Siskin as we rarely see them. Thanks Chris for pointing this out.)

Gordon has been to Barrow to watch Carlisle play Barrow. He went with a friend who lives in Carlisle, but comes from Barrow and supports them. They were at the Barrow end and I have just looked and seen that Carlisle has won . . . I hope he didn't cheer!! When he gets in he is apparently going straight up to watch Rugby. We have our own meals tonight!

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