Rainy day

The rain is so welcome, even as it is cold (only +3c), it is still WATER - not snow. Rain is so very comfortable, as it melts the snow and flushes the dust away - atleast for a moment.

As it was so rainy morning, we were at the movies watching G.I.Joe - retaliation chosen of my son, which movie offered nice action - and of course I like Bruce Willis in any role. :-) ... And for the rest of the weekend we maybe enjoy our new test drive Netflix, that has landed on Finland a couple of months ago ans offers one free month to test the service.

I sadly have to tell, that Nina the gerbil (that I blipped few days ago) has suddently turned to quite tired. She is 2,5years old, and even if she was some days better already, maybe she will not get over this - remains to be seen...

Good news is though, that my father is visiting home for the weekend, but on sunday he has to go back to the hospital to find a balance for some new medicine.


Thanks for many greetings, chats and commenting lately. I'm afraid that my blips during week have not been very artistic, if ever, but common stuff.
I've shot some more rainy captures more - part are from yesterday evening and some from this morning...

Hope you'll have a good weekend!

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