
My Sholach is finished.

I love the final product but I didn’t enjoy working on it that much. I will be sticking to my usual inset mosaic crochet from now on.  It was good to try a new technique and also to try an enclosed border as I have never done one of those before.  As you tie off at each end this produces a gazillion  ends see extra for the final ends mountain.  It seems so wasteful!

So a trip to the yarn shop for me next week for supplies for a new project. I am trying to decide between this one and this one

In non crochet news, Leo had footie in the morning and they drew 1-1.  They all seems a bit off it again but it was played in glorious sunshine which was a real treat. 

His girlfriend came around for the afternoon and Leo attempted baking a skillet brownie.  It didn’t look good and his girlfriend ate a bite or two and then gave up. Leo scoffed all the rest after he lathered it in cream so it was kind of edible, I guess.

Ian is away Tue-Fri next week so I have been stocking up on foods that I enjoy and he never fancies.  So steak, liver, chicken, onion and mushroom rice bake will ok be on the menu.  I’ll still have to do some alternatives for Leo. You’d think he was being poisoned if you saw his reaction to finding onions and mushrooms in his food!

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