An early walk this morning

I've been thinking I ought to try and before breakfast walk for a while as it's when I used to get much of my walking in.  I seem to have a problem once I've eaten, so my aim this morning was to see if I could walk up to Mill Moor top which I did this morning, even though I was fairly slow and taking photos on the way.  (I gave up two thirds of the way up last weekend though it was afternoon - not a good walk time for me).  So a general set of record shots from my walk.  I did try a few multiple -exposures in Ayton Wood, but there was too much white light coming through the trees for my Olympus camera to cope with, so I've deleted them.

I joined in the RPS Creative Eye AGM  this morning, though there isn't anyone in this group that I know and it's not a group I've engaged with really.  I might re-think my membership.  There's a speaker on at 11.30 am so I might just drop in.  Then maybe a bit more tidying in the garden might be the plan - it looks as though its going to be a nice day again.

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