International Kindness Day

I got a message that today was International Kindness Day and have to say that the first thought that went through my head was "What, isn't that every day?!"  Why do we have to have special days to remind us of simple things like this?!

With what is happening in Ukraine, you may be asking yourself "Where is the kindness?" but if you look at the true picture you will see that it is the evil of just a few and there is kindness of thousands being shown.  It doesn't mean it isn't heartbreaking but it can be heartwarming.

I would like to remind people (or bring to their attention) that Paddington Bear was written by Michael Bond and the story was inspired by him seeing Jewish refugee children walking through Reading Station, escaping from the Nazi horrors in Europe. 

 Paddington Bear was in a sense a refugee.  "Please look after this bear. Thank you"    There, but by the grace of God, go I.

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