Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Erythronium dens canis

We have lots of dog tooth violets developing in the shady beds beside the garage.  Most of them are the "Pagoda" variety, and will have lots of really attractive yellow flowers in a couple of weeks.  But we seem to have just the one of these - I think it is Erythronium dens canis "Snowflake".  It has the purple anthers - they're just not visible in this photo - and the blotchy leaves.  This plant is hiding under a rather exuberant hellebore - I'll need to keep an eye and see if I can get a photo with the petals pulled right back like this.

In extras, the 15 large plastic tubs I hosed down today, as we want to take these to Ireland.  W says he wants to grow potatoes in some of them - after all, if you're in Ireland, you HAVE to grow potatoes - but I'm not sure about the plans for the rest.  I ended up very wet.

W made progress in the workshop.  STILL no news on the completion date!

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