becoming one…

…with the elephant

as i color it

there is something - about elephants which - is so alluring - and yet humbling - at the same time - they are gentle giants - but also have - the capability to kill - or crush at will - never doubt that - but i am still - drawn to them - as though we - were/ are soul buddies - on this planet

fast facts about elephants

•they are the world’s largest land animal
•their tusks are actually teeth
•they purr like cats do, as a way to communicate
•they help make pathways in dense forested habitat that allow passage for other animals
•they are integrally tied to rich biodiversity
•they help maintain forest ecosystems for other species

currently optimistic estimates - put the elephant population - at under half a million, - at the rate they are being killed - and so elephants will be extinct - in just 20 short years people - 20 years! - which means an entire ecosystem - will go with them - all because poachers - desire ivory tusks - it simply makes - my heart break that - we will lose - these gentle giants - for greed and they are - merely innocent victims - i am not one to - push for specific causes - however if you’re motivated - do explore what you might - do to help the elephants - and by so doing make it…


happy day.....

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