For World Water Day

I probably don't even need to say that I'm fond of amphibians. I like almost  everything about them. Frogs and toads are under a lot of environmental stress and with climate change, water and air pollution and habitat destruction they truly do 'live on the edge'. We try to provide habitat for them in our space with our bog, pond and large areas of 'our yard' left in a natural state. But I fear that's not enough. 
This is a Green Frog Rana clamitans. I don't know who decided to name it 'Green Frog' but it certainly is descriptive! Green Frogs are native to eastern North America. There are two subspecies of which this is the Bronze Frog one. This handsome guy was sitting quietly by a pond at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens this morning. The Gardens were really busy with two weddings and a reception scheduled for today! The Big White Dog and I  didn't stay! ;)

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