The misty vale

After a day that seemed to drag rather more than usual thanks to by 6:30 start, I was glad to get out of work and into the evening sun.

After registering with my local GP in order to get my MMR vaccine, I headed out across the Miner's Bridge (blipped on the 10th) and then up through the woods, aiming to find myself back where I was on the 9th. I ended up getting lost, and happily so, and found myself up on this craggy outlook. Unbelievably beautiful, and this photo does nothing to convey how it was to sit in the sun, with a haze hanging in the air, while the sun broke though the clouds and drenched me in its rays.

The outlook gave a me a good bearing, and I saw the other outcrop that looks out over Betws, and set off crashing though the woods in it's direction. Not the easiest of routes, but there's nothing like getting lost to get to know a place.

I'd asked the chef to put some food back for me when I got back, at 9ish. "Any preference?" he asked. I told him, anything but gammon - and returned to a plate piled high with the salty steak. However, by this point I was so hungry I would have eaten anything.

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