
By Chrysanthemum

Four Hundred Roses

Four hundred roses...well, not quite four hundred Yorkshire roses, but a group of feisty Yorkshire (and Lancashire) lasses from Shipley (and a couple of men who accompany them musically, part of 'The Thorns'). The troupe is known as Four Hundred Roses, and they perform, according to their publicity, 'a unique fusion of tribal belly dance and UK folk styles', meaning it's a fun performance of a kind of belly-dance-cum-Morris-dance. The girls, as soon as they saw my camera, were keen for me to take a group shot. How could I possibly refuse such a colourful request? And how could I possibly not blip it, even though I'd taken lots of other photos as well? For more about this unique group of entertainers check them out on or see them on YouTube and Facebook (400Roses).
This weekend Keighley is holding a big Spring Fair, incorporating St. George's Day celebrations. (Saint George, he of 'killing the dragon' fame, is England's patron saint and April 23 is annually celebrated as St. George's Day). We went along today just to see what was happening and give the affair a bit of local support. There was an open market, various groups of Morris dancers, a traditional Punch and Judy, and several carnival rides and entertainments. The fair has been running since Thursday and finishes tomorrow.

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