Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Two peas ….

Lie in this morning, just half an hour but it was worth it.

Caleb to school then on to the supermarket. Then on to AJ.

I had grabbed a coffee on my way, as I know the care home is not allowed to provide drinks at the moment ……. due to covid restrictions. Made my way to AJs room, she was then wheeled in, but needed to visit the little girls room. I sat on the bed, dropped my mask down and started drinking my coffee. The carer, assisting AJ, came out of the en-suite to give AJ privacy, looked straight at me and firmly told me I should be wearing a mask. I informed her I was drinking my coffee, she replied “you will have to wait until you are outside”!!! After AJ was finished, she was wheeled to the side of the bed to chat to me, carer left. I then enjoyed my coffee.

AJ was ok, although a bit tearful. She had had an altercation with a carer last night that had upset her. The senior had apologised, as other residents had commented. It clearly upset her. The residents have enjoyed some afternoons in the garden, sitting in the sun, which AJ has enjoyed (see extra).

Collected Caleb from school, once home he wanted to play play-doh. Didn’t last long before it gen turned to other games. Mummy and Austin turned up and it was cake time.


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