With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Though I've seen it a thousand times, something stood out in this little view this morning. I'm not sure what it is yet though.

Ben had an early home match this morning (4 1, hurray) so after we'd all had bacon rolls, Little Agu, Pau and I followed him on at a slightly more leasurely pace and glad to find a new short cut along the torrent.

The boys had inevitably chatted a lot and were up early and I was busy until late, so we were tired and a trip anywhere seemed a step too far so we hung around town and the house until it was time for Agu's team photo for athletics in the plaza. I managed twenty minutes catching up with a friend, but the adreneline was too much for underexercised, overtired boys. A dangerous mixture,. We have come back home to save it all up. It's Agu's birthday on Monday and we need to have a blast tomorrow, or things will become too muddled.

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