Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil

The Great (imaginary) Escape

I am rather sick of pop/ping cuisine. I am also sick of the dust. After work this evening I thought it was a smart idea to install the new replacement sofa bases. The minute I unzipped the upholstery I was surrounded by a cloud of feathers. It is a swift and effective way to bring on an asthma attack.

So I imagine myself on an open road driving into the bright morning light, the top is down, my shades are on and a silk scarf is holding my hair in place. I have my driving gloves, I have my picnic basket.... and then I remember :
a. I don't have a convertible
b. it might be April but it is chuffing freezing
c. it is late at night and
d. I have just had an asthma attack.

So much for my great escape.

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