Toots in Solitude

By Toots

A wee snack in sunshine

I found it rather puzzling that the Haddington Market day consisted of stalls all squashed together in a wee corner where crowds could only throng in a tight huddle together hardly able to pass each other.
I know a lot of people always put a lot of time and effort into these things and I'm not knocking that but surely there is a bit more leeway and elbow room to be had.

Went to a 'health' cafe plus shop near Drem that I'd noticed recently. Just bought a bit of organic stuff in the shop and will try the cafe another day. A few cows munched lazily in cosy hay beds with todays sun (which held the most warmth I have felt for a long time) beaming on them.

Tonight Luke fed me and we watched a few episodes of a crime drama, serial killers and all that.

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