A day in the life

By Shelling


You never quite know what the weather is doing this time of year. April has a reputation of being very unstable, snow one day mild sunny weather the next. Today the mild wind didn't have the streak of icy cold as we've had for days.

I wanted some spring onions, "Ramslök" in Swedish, for a meal I'm preparing for Saturday so I went to The Grove to look where I know it grows. I am too early though, still no sign of it so I'll have to do with something else. I did find some of the hybrid blue anemone, or Liverleaf growing in a couple of places in The Grove. They look slightly different every year, now they were actually sharing the same big plant, blue on one side and white on the other. Last year they were all white on this spot. There's only this one plant, all around the flowers are all blue.

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