
By CatHerder

Success for Blipfoto

I had planned to do a rather risqué shot until I remembered that the cut was self inflicted while carpet laying and nothing to do with the fox. Which did make sense the more I thought about it.
So instead a Success for Blipfoto (an echo would be good at this point).
After missing quite a few good opportunities today I resorted to Mrs CH's croqueted handbag (approx. 7.5 inches square). Which only came about after showing her tractorfactories twa baw hat. Which got her to thinking that she had never tried crochet (apparently it's French for hook) and so she bought a book and some wool and needles and after a variety of squares she had a go at this.
Perhaps it's the quicker results than knitting, I don't know, but she is really enjoying it.

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