South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

By the shore

Son and I had a walk along the local sea inlet this afternoon.  There was a haze in the distance, but the sun was really warm and it was coats off time even by the sea.  We met two parties of Primary age school kids who were walking back from the sea - bet they’d had a great time.  The tide was out and there were loads of seagulls calling and flying around as well as on the ground (as you can see in the distance of this photo).  We both took a lot of photos, but this is actually one of mine!  I may put some extras up as well.
Husband was busy in the garden today.  I also spent some time this morning cleaning Sahara sand off the windowsills of the utility room and conservatory that came down in rainfall a while ago.  I didn’t notice how bad it was until yesterday!  My husband cleaned it off the bins as well.  Better late, than never!

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