moving forward

This jolly looking all day cycling event was the reason why ALL the roads in and out of my local area were closed on a day when I was already super stressed about my (major) dental surgery appointment scheduled for 2pm. It took two (expensive) hours to get there (late) by taxi, edging forward in mostly stationary traffic via a circuitous route that all the other locals were trying too, with me getting more and more stressed - and then coming home several hours later, to find the normal road still closed.  My driver (courtesy of the dental practice) followed the 'alternative route' round fields and dust tracks before coming to a road block still 2-3 km from home with  literally no other way to get there - and the police just would not let us pass. Bravo then to my driver who proceeded to go on and on at the police about how I'd just had an operation and he needed to get me home, until they finally let us through thereby narrowly avoiding some kind of melt down from me after six hours straight in adrenaline hyperdrive. In between these two events was a dental experience I don't want to describe. 

So I'm home now, utterly exhausted, unable to eat or drink, looking like a chipmunk. 

I wanted to record this difficult day as I hope that I will eventually, be able to look back on this with a nice smile.

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