Motor Fuel Ration Book

Motor Fuel Ration Books were issued by the British government to combat petrol shortages during the 1973 Oil Crisis. The Organisation of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) imposed an oil embargo on Western countries which had supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur war. Oil prices quadrupled, and supplies were very restricted, leading to the preparation for petrol rationing in Britain.. Ration books were made out for particular motor cars on the basis of engine size and horse-power. This particular book was issued for a Citroen car of engine size not exceeding 1100 cc (1-9 hp). It contains coupons  for a six month period. 
In the event they were never used - in large part because increasing North Sea oil production allowed the UK to offset much of the lost imports - but it was a close call ..........

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