
Some of the gorgeous flowers I was given on Thursday as a thank you :) Its hard to fit them all in the picture!!

Can anyone tell me what the green flower is to the top left (and right)? So pretty, but I've not seen them that colour before!

Today I am very tired and hoping I'll last the day out! I woke up at 2am after hearing an extremely loud bang which echoed around the houses here! Whether it was in my sleep or whether it was true I don't know! I thought one of my neighbours had just come back in a tow truck with a very damaged car....which is obviously not true as they are all ok out there this morning...of course I didn't look out at that time....

Anyway, I'm off to the 9.30 service, then popping home for a while and being picked up around 12 for a trip to a friend's new house in Wiltshire (with the rest of my small group~so there will be around 12 adults plus children of various ages), then straight to the evening service I'm leading! A busy day ahead and I'm not sure if I'll feel up to commenting....home around 7.30/8pm.....

Hoping I will feel better than yesterday, when my IBS was really bad, thankfully I was at home :( I don't often have it that bad!! Just eating things like toast, so I won't be eating too much when I'm out today...

Thank you so much you lovely people for sending My Wonderful Dad to the spotlight!!! I've never been there two days in a row before :):) Second row of second page today when I got up, not sure where I was before then...

Have a great day blippers :)

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