My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


Here is my Granddaughter wearing her Dad's wig that I made years ago for him when it was dressing up day for Book Week I think.
Do you remember "Tot's TV", well the wig was for Tom from the Tiny Tots, I found a programme on Youtube for my Grandchildren to see & they loved it.
So special having them visit today, they had fun & an accident by my Granddaughter..... Whoops! I was showing my Grandson the Frogspawn explaining that they were in the pond, then came along my Granddaughter, wanted a closer look & she just stepped into the Pond; she was soaked, screaming, crying, it all happened so fast, but also in slow motion. My son saw it happen & ran, picked her up, stripped her off in the Kitchen, took her upstairs & my daughter bathed her.......... All the time my Grandson seemed oblivious to what was happening & was still interested in the pond, I couldn't leave him there alone, but I wanted to make sure my Granddaughter was ok.
I found her a big T-Shirt & a pair of socks; bless her I didn't have any spare clothes for her, but she looked cute in an oversized Super Woman T-Shirt. :)
I then dropped them all off at their Nan's who was wondering "What on earth is her Granddaughter wearing!!" I explained & all was ok.
My Daughter-in-law was on her way with a clean set of clothes. :)
I later was taken out for Lunch by my eldest son to one of my favourite Pub's in the Countryside. That was a lovely end to a fun filled day.

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