Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Autre temps, autre monde......

.....10 days ago this space was tenanted by a cat of character.....

He wasn't one of those namby-pamby, sit-on-your-knee cats......but he always made time for a covert, dark-watches-of-the-night secret cuddle when no-one else was looking, and he always mounted an armed-guard to and from the loo.
He loved the great outdoors, but never hunted the birdies or hedgehogs.....
He ate just about anything and somehow always still had room for whatever happened to be on your plate.....or that half-pound of butter you left out of the fridge.....and he'd kill for garlic mayonnaise and the odd green olive.
Never ailing in 17 years until 2 days ago.....
Missing you much Mucha, for a small cat you've left a very big won't be forgotten!

Sorry folks, just not in the mood for photography today.....

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