Poorly girl

Today Violet was clearly not well when she woke so as expected, she is spending the day with us.  We passed the time by watching a couple of films but poor Violet flagged during the second one and had a couple of hours of healing sleep.  She then went on to go to bed at just a little after her usual time so I rather think that she'll be here with us tomorrow as well.
I'm tagging this for Mono Monday although I've completely failed to go with the theme, which is to create a title making an anagram from the letters in 'Photography'.  Apologies to Kangazu,

This morning I saw a msg from last night on my phone.  My dear friend, A, lost her mother to cancer yesterday after a very short illness.  My friend and her daughter will be heartbroken.  They were very close and she played such an important part in their lives.

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