Early Morning Ride

Last night's Euan Sitting went very well and Mummy and Daddy enjoyed their nights out.

Today it was time for us to head home so we got to take Euan to Nursery before we left.  We all slept a little late so it was all on to do/eat breakfast and help Euan to dress, then in to the stroller and away in time for snack time at Nursery.  In amongst all of that Euan decided to play with his train set,  have a ride on his balance bike and take some photos with Granny's big camera!

The journey home was uneventful if busy on the roads.  We unloaded the car, I chucked a lamb casserole in the oven and popped down to join Hobbler Rickie's birthday open house for an hour.

Aside:  When I picked up the lamb from the supermarket it was contained in a security box which had to be released at the checkout.  When I commented on this, the assistant told me if they didn't do this, it would walk out of the store, bizarre! 

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