Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Random Acts

Firstly today, I'd like to send out a big thank you to the good folks at Blip central, who very kindly made my snap of 'NoName' the other day one of this week's Staff Picks. I can already tell I'm going to miss that little crown when it's passed on to some other lucky blipper in just a few days time.
Even more magically though, I'd just so happened to have added a link to my Puggle Memorial Page at the bottom of that very blip.
The fund is going towards a small abandoned pet sanctuary in Korea, and the clearly amazing MrsRosewarne clicked that very link and kindly made one of our largest donations yet! This was made all the more special by the fact that we are literally complete strangers, we are not blip buddys who chat on here, she just saw a good cause and did something good. My wife and I were truly touched.
And so the act of the people at blip staff picking that one particular entry, led directly to money being given to help unfortunate animals that otherwise would not have been. So a warm thank you to Blipfoto as well as, of course, to Mrs Rosewarne.

If you yourself like the idea of helping dogs-with-a-death-sentence in Korea, why not send a few quid their way, and in the process you'll help change their lives for the better, forever.
If dogs aren't your thing, but there's perhaps some little bit of bad in the world that really gets your goat, why not make today the day you throw a tiny bit of cash, a little of your time, or whatever you think might help, towards changing that thing for the better.
Remember, giving is sexy - and it feels pretty damn good too!

Today's blip is of lanterns hanging outside a Buddhist temple, ready to celebrate Buddha's birthday in around a month's time. This is a good time to be in Korea, as not only does spring kick in, and cherry blossoms start to bloom all over the city, but all the buddhist temples hang these colourful lanterns in the streets. The larger temples will line them all along the roads in their neighbourhood - so colour is everywhere.
There are also lanterns strung from the temple itself, which is likely a shoe in as my blip when Buddha's birthday rolls around. I've blipped the grounds around the temple before, which you can check out here and here.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
- Aesop

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