
By thismomruns

Will Run for Ice Cream

When Kim and I decided to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon next year, we started planning to participate in some events with longer distances. We knew we wanted to run the Blue Bell Ice Cream Fun Run and it was available as a 10K(6.2 miles) so we jumped on it.

That was months ago. Before I got the hare-brained idea that we should run the Seabrook Trails Half Marathon 9 months ahead of our training schedule. Oy. So we went into the Blue Bell race knowing that we had already conquered a 13.1 mile distance and survived. Seabrook didn't have HILLS. Hills are ugly and mean. But they are doable. When discussing the last hill, A friend told us to "let the hill come to you"... As we sat in the hotel room the night before we realized that we didn't even know what that meant! How can we let it come to us if we don't know what that means?

Anyway the last hill looked daunting but was no worse than the rest. And we survived. I mean, how do you not finish a race when there is Blue Bell ice cream waiting for you at the finish? There's no finisher's medal, but then again there's nothing quite as good as Blue Bell....

So yeah. We run for ice cream....

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