Flying saucers and edible paper?

A bit of an emergency blip as we had a very early start driving to Wiltshire for a family funeral in a small village called West Ashton, where he had farmed for many years before retirement.  I met many cousins and their children that I had not seen for a long time and there was a nice lunch after in the Village Hall. Then to my brother in laws fairly near for a couple of hours before coming home. 

We stopped at a service station on the motorway and I looked in the shop there. I am always amazed by the things sold in the service stations. 
This line of sweets caught my eye, particularly the flying saucers which I used to love when a child. Then you used to buy them loose and they were put in a paper bag, pre decimalisation I think they were about 1d each(0.4p)I think they were also bigger than these. So 16 in 1970 = about 7p and now they are 200p. Even with inflation this is more expensive…if I’ve got the maths right!
Value of £1 in 1970 = £10.82 today apparently.

Lots of other traditional sweets, but edible paper is a new one on me. I’m sure they are mainly sugar and not good to have many of. But I guess some parents contInue to buy these regularly or they would not be sold. Along with Burger King, KFC etc …I was shocked to see the prices of these..even the meal deals!

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