Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User


Monday....and MonoMonday and the theme was to make a word from letters contained in Photograhy....and so having stood in the driveway to this building and having taken the photo, I came up with "yahoo" which some members, in fact I daresay, all members who view this shot, will probably find it totally confusing to the title.  

I could have chosen "happy" or "hoorah" or "hooray" but to get the gist of my warped sense of humour, those words would all have needed to be followed up with the words... "I'm here", which from my perspective was probably the last thing to describe how I was feeling.  

Another word that I could have used was "root" because that was one of the very words which was on my mind.  Still lost?  

Well today was my appointment for my "root canal" procedure, so whilst there is little connection in what was about to happen, and what can be seen in this photo, which is of course is the dental practice, it offered the opportunity to relay the blip story.

This was going to be the first of two appointments - the first lasting just over the hour and then a follow up a week os so later for another 40 minutes .  Ah, the excitement, although I had been previously informed that after half an hour, I would be somewhat bored, but hey, I wasn't that convinced.

So it started off with not one, but two injections and when I asked the question why two, I was told that roots had a way of literally going straight up from the tooth, or branching out, in various directions, so.....all bases had to be covered.

Then it was down to some serious business...drill a couple of holes in the offending molar (I think the high pitched screeching was the worst bit and that was just from me...... )

After that, it was time to connect my mouth up to an electronic gizmo which was able to detect exactly how long the roots were so that the correct length of excavator could then be used to.....well you guessed it, to clean out those canals. 

And so it was that 50 minutes later, that all the drilling and prodding had stopped and I was informed that everything had gone smoothly....... apart from one thing -  there was another canal which was kinda playing hide and seek and that it could not be ignored so it was back to where we had started, minus the injections. 

And then 35 minutes later, all was wrapped up.  My dentist was extatic that he had succesfully found this third canal and had zapped the problem like he had done with the others. And then came the real bonus - after just under 90 minutes, it was all completed so satisfactorily, that I did not need to come back for visit #2 and I couldn't have felt more happy than that.....after all, this was costing a fortune in petrol with a 60 mile round trip lol.

So was I bored?....Mmmm now I'm not too sure that "bored" is the word I would have used, but it went a lot better than I had expected, but that does not mean I would be readily quueing up for another root canal proceedure.

Was there any pain?  Yes, there certainly was....it was when i was given the invoice.

Thanks for reading this little "war and piece" epic which I hope you enjoyed. I doubt the photo will get a recognition for the theme, but I think the story deserves a blip award lol.

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