Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


In search of a blip I cast my gaze upon the random seas of life and came upon this. Four boxes and the number seventeen. Research revealed the following.

"17 is the most fortunate configuration of the number 8’s vibrational essence. This is because of the influence of numbers 1 and 7. The number 1 is the number of the individual and the number 7 is the number of the spirit. The number 17, therefore, is a number associated with a balanced outlook that takes both inner and outer concerns into consideration."

Back in the real world ...

An uninspiring day. TSM and I went into the office together, stopping to pck up a hot coffee at the bookshop on the way across town. Much needed as the temperature had dropped through the barometric floor and had crashed into the icy basement below. My pipes were frozen and my wiring had short circuited by the time we got there.

There were two or three colleagues in the office that we hadn't seen for a long time. One of them asked if I was still a vegan (in a tone of voice that some homophobic people use when asking others if they are still gay, as if there is a cure for it).  I said yes I was still vegan and no, there was no prospect of any change.

TSM and I sat next to each other in the office, which afforded time for a lunchtime discussion about our relative priorities in life. She worries about money, I worry about having a bit of fun before I die (this was probably prompted by reflections on my father's life in yesterday's entry). 

In the afternoon it snowed briefly, angry grey flurries that gave way to deceptive blue skies and sunshine. Early evening saw TSM go to London to chow and chat with an old friend. The Dizzle and I had a drink locally, against my better judgement; I sometimes think he is on  a mission to lead my liver astray. Actually we had more than a drink. We shared a bottle of fine Rioja Tempranillo in Cellar Magnifique (where we saw a Mary Louise Parker lookalike) then took a taxi to The Red Lion  where we had beer and the finest chips in all England. 

Now it is time for sleep. Apparently if I dream of the number 17 it will help me to manifest what I want most in life ... which in my case is more sleep … Watch this space ...

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