
By lassoothemoon

Fountain dancing

I have been feeling distinctly under the weather for the past few days, which is very unusual for me. Flu-like symptoms, but not flu or even man-flu come to that! After spending the best part of yesterday lolling about at home feeling sorry for myself - I thought about blipping a box of tissues but didn't even have the energy to do that! - today I dosed myself up and took myself out.

And very glad I did that too! Although a little blustery, it has been a lovely spring day. First stop was the exhibition of Cornish paintings at Two Temple Place. As nice as the artwork was, the reason for the visit was the building itself. Built for William Waldorf Astor in 1895, this neo-Gothic mansion is one of London's hidden architectural delights. However, it is closed to the general public for most of the year, opening only for exhibitions (and this was the final day of this one).

I then took a short walk to Somerset House to see the 'Landmark: The Fields of Photography' as recommended by Colstro. An absorbing collection of photographs, this pushes the envelope as to what is conceptualised as landscape photography.

In the courtyard of Somerset House, the fountains were dancing gaily, the subject of today's blip. I hope the sun has shone for you today, and that the week ahead is a good one : )

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