Sunday: Blossoms Behind Fences

And, now, for my actual photo of the day!  I have been doing some archiving from 2006 so apologies to anyone who thinks that I am somewhere that I am not.  I am really enjoying capturing some old memories by uploading old shots.  I tend to do a few just before I do my 'real' shot, but it does get a bit confusing.

I have had to call this just 'blossoms' because I have no idea what type of blossom it actually is - I is not clever when it comes to flowers!  But they are pretty, though, everything is just bursting into blossom and it is beautiful!

Paul departed this afternoon but not before he instructed K. in the art of bread making.  We currently have two loaves in the kitchen, created by her own fair hand.  

And that is not the only she has done this afternoon that is creative - no, she has also cut my hair for the first time.  I was having such trouble finding a hairdresser here - the last cut I had made me look like Joan of Arc, but without Ingrid Bergman's cheekbones.  Suffice to say, K. has done an infinitely better job so I think she is hired.

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