Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Bring it...


Firstly a massive thanks to all of you for last nights 'LOVE' that I got for yesterdays's not often that you all visit my little corner of the blip world but I'm glad you liked the shot!

Today was all about being outside!!!!

Out with my 'wheel buddies' this morning, hitting the roads for a nice little spin. Then back home for some fettling on my mountain bike....troublesome, but once I'd got my teeth into it......well, she came out just fine and I was soon banging along the tracks and trails around home!!!

The wind has gotten up and there is house work to be done so it was off home and get to it!!

The whole day I have had loads of energy.....great!

Perhaps this is the start of better weather and more outdoors stuff....BRING IT!

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