Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


A fly alighted on my window. As visitors are in short supply at the moment I thought I should pop out to say hello. As you can see, there were blue skies and I have double glazing.

Being as it was five days since I tested positive for covid I took another test in the hope that I would soon ease the self-isolation regime. Unfortunately I’m still positive so it looks like I’ll be keeping myself to myself for the weekend at least.

Today’s cultural experiences: I finally finished Season 2 of The Mandalorian - it’s very good but I can only watch it on my iPad so I probably miss out on some of the VFX;  fell asleep, appropriately,  ten minutes into the documentary film of Max Richter’s Sleep but awoke to enjoy the last hour; finished reading Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Pledge - another in my seemingly endless supply of old green-covered Penguin crime novels. 

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