Grim weather (Day 2523)

The day started with a breezy and chilly wander along the shore with Sigyn before a trip into town to get the shopping done.
Home to unload and get some breakfast then off out with my beautiful wife to get out a ride on George and Red. The weather was definitely on the turn and it seemed to get colder and and windier all the time we were out. Our decision to do a short ride turned out to be the sensible option. The rain started just after we got back to the yard.
Home for lunch, then I ventured out with Sigyn for a very wet, very windy walk along the shore. Sigyn was very pleased to be back home. 
A late afternoon visit to the horses finished off the day and I resorted to a pic of one of the roses in the sitting room. It just hasn't been much of a day for taking pics outside.

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