
These 2 books were delivered today - see how I'm managing to whittle the number of books down? Read 1 and pass it on, buy 4 more, start to read another and a couple of chapters in, buy 2 more!
At this rate, rather than creating some space, I'll need another bookcase.
The weather remains bitter cold. Our magnolia is dropping its petals but still has many flowers on. Our flowering cherry is dropping blossom but our weeping cherry is coming in to flower.
On Friday our brown bin (main rubbish) was due for its fortnightly collection but they missed our avenue. I reported a missed collection on the council web site but none of them were emptied yesterday and obviously not today it being Sunday. I hope they don't think we can wait another 2 weeks - our bin is pretty full but some of the others on the avenue are overflowing! How do you miss one avenue? Doh.

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