The favourite tree

During the past two years of the pandemic I've had a camera set up on a tripod at the dining room glass doors and I've taken many photos of the wildlife that visits our garden.  We have had quite a variety of birds and have four feeding stations and a bird table.  My favourite feeding station to photograph is the one nearest the house (follow the link to see) but since the original weigela died and had to be replaced with a rather tinier one, not a single bird has visited that station.  Favourite currently is the rowan tree, which unfortunately is at least half way up the garden so photos are not so good.  At least this little blue tit stayed and posed rather than fly off as soon as I approached the camera!

In extras is phone shot that I can't completely justify as an entry for Derelict Sunday but will tag it anyway:  I took it as we drove back from Hobbycraft and as you see there is now a great deal of building activity where once there were empty fields and a rather nice view of the London skyline.  The number of new houses and flats that have sprung up in this area is legion, often without parking facilities and certainly with no extra schools or healthcare facilities.

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