
By Dibsie

Only 30 more to go

I went through and counted the amount of square's I have left to do until i've finished the book. I've managed to get 8 done in this past week, which means I'm well over the half way mark now. Then its on to sowing the rest together and creating a border.

I mentioned in yesterdays blip that I had learnt the new skill of creating bobbles in a knitting pattern and here is my latest pattern I did. This has to be one of my favourites, not only does it look pretty but it was incredible quick to do. Have to say, even though Cabling looks good, it sure is hard work.

Today was another wonderful lazy day. I can't remember the last time i've had 2 lazy weekend days together. Definitely before Christmas. I love being busy, meeting friends and family but sometimes its nice to have some me time, doing only stuff that I want to do and not feeling quilty about it.

Hope you've all had a nice weekend.

Photo 104 of 365 challenge.

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