Laura's New Venture

Raining first thing, but soon cleared.  Mostly cloudy all day, with some sunshine breaking through.  Quite windy, and freezing cold! 

Last early shift of the week in the airport.  I was on the check-in desk first thing, wasn't long before I was up working with oil and gas flights, which took up most of my day.  Popped along Laura on my way home.  A fairly quiet evening at home, I did head out walkies with Sammy this evening. 

A big surprise as I pulled up to Laura's, with a new static caravan in place.  They've bought the caravan as a new business idea, and will holiday let it in the near future, when everything is in place.  I might even take the opportunity to stay a couple of night now and again.  It's a spacious layout in the sitting room and kitchen, a small twin room and even an en-suite in the master bedroom.  Some good views over Hoofield and even spot Mousa above Laura's head.  Let's hope it's a huge success for her.  Laura and Shaun in the caravan, taken in the Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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