Return to the North

By Viking


Another emergency blip!
Busy day today - had my eyes tested this morning and alas need new glasses. The usual indecision about new frames was not in evidence for once. Within 5 mins I had found a pair in my favourite colour (aqua/turquoise) and because of Asda’s policy of you being able to chose any frames for sunglasses, I also nailed a second pair within another 5 minutes:-)
Having felt very pleased with myself I headed out to the car park when someone who obviously needed to go to the opticians !! Nearly took my car out!
Headed to my cousins and aunts for a chinwag before going into town to meet sis for lunch then back to pick up my cousins wee lad to take him for a replacement birthday present.
Finally got home around 3pm and had to have a lie down!

Heading up to Scotland tomorrow so might actually manage A landscape blip

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