Nopo's world

By nopo

I just called to say I love you

You know that everyone has a cellure these days.

You know that you're old when you start mumbling about the telephone to your kids like "WHEN I WAS YOUNG, we had to ski 50 km's to school with wolf's hangin on our calfs and swim over oceans and stuf, and yeah our phone's we're attached to the wall. Really dear, I'm not kidding."

My cell is of course made in China or Tanzania or something, and it's a Nokia. You all know the old joke, I mean really old, saying; Nokia, Disconnecting people?

It used to mean, when people had job's. And the job's could have been located for example in Mexico. And you could even stand beside a person without looking like Michael Jackson, without the bad nosejob.
Yeah it meaned back in the 90's that when you were a worker of Nokia, you probably didn't have a matching key to your front door after one year of work.

But nowdays, I think it has to be translated to non-function.

For yeah, I know that I have a size converter on my phone. 'Cause when your in Paris shopping in a boutique and all the clothes resemble most likely to be childrens size, you most definately want to convert your size to French size's. And just after that you get a knife from the nearest bistro and start sawing your wrist with it.
Or better yet, I know that somewhere on the phone I have a money converter too! 'Cause when you're in London with your family you most definately want to know how much is the pound on euro when you're paying the not so overpriced prices of a cap on Oxford Street. After that you waste the cap to a metro and go and buy the same cap again. After that you probably will be found on the metro track's with the money converter on on your Nokia.
Better yet I think there has to be a sauna, swimming pool and a house maid somewhere there too.

But my problem now is the function called talking-on-the-phone. When I answer (yea I sometimes do that) to my phone, E.T.'s calling. I don't mind a little extraterrestrial contact. But when E.T.'s constantly interrupting my phone conversation it just a little bit bugs me.
So to any worked of Nokia who's wife has left and he/she is updating the facebook hourly, please start a product development on Talking.

And thank god it's friday! Tomorrow is the official - Get a hang over and survive - day then.

Have a goood weekend everybody!

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