Day 1

So, after an awful night of high temperatures, I get up early to take a LFT and find that I’ve tested positive. No surprise - I was pretty sure that would be the result after the awful night. I packed up and left straightaway to try and avoid bumping into anyone on my way out, which worked. I phoned to let the House know, and then drove the 4 or so hours home. Luckily I felt well enough to drive safely, but unfortunately I needed to stop for petrol and the toilet, which I hope I managed without getting too close to anyone. I do wonder whether I passed it in to anyone on the holiday though - I’ll never know but I feel bad about the possibility. I know I wasn’t the only one to have had it as I saw someone leaving on Thursday with her suitcase and a mask on, but with 30 people on the holiday, the chances are that at least 2 people would have had it.

Once home, I went straight up to my bedroom to isolate from Paul - I don’t want to pass it on to him. I slept a lot of the day, and Paul has been an absolute treasure in bringing up food and drinks and leaving them outside my door. It’s going to be a long few days for both of us!

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